Welcome to DoMaur’s 2019 production of bare. A Pop Opera, an off-Broadway smash hit which delves deep into what life is like for teens in a Catholic boarding school struggling with all life’s issues as they try to become themselves, while being true to their ingrained beliefs. After directing Camp Rock and Footloose in 2016 and 2017, we both relocated to Melbourne for work and study opportunities. Returning to the coast to direct another show was not something we necessarily envisaged as a likely endeavour. However, after discovering the show through a production in Melbourne, we instantly fell in love and saw the value in bringing it to the coast. We were passionate about working with DoMaur to bring this show to life in this space and we value their mission and support. Bare sheds light on issues of mental health, acceptance, of self and others and the importance of open and honest conversation. We are so grateful to have had this opportunity to grow, take risks and tackle challenges that are not always available in other productions. We have been overwhelmed and humbled by the courage and commitment demonstrated by our extraordinary cast and creative team. In particular, having a production team that worked so cohesively and effectively together to achieve our common goals was essential to bringing this show together and we are so very thankful. We would also like to thank DoMaur Productions for their unwavering support and encouragement as well as putting their trust in us. We would especially like to thank Doug and Maureen for everything they have contributed, we could not have done it without them. We hope the show provokes thought, reflection and conversation amongst our audiences. Enjoy the show!
– Ruby Doherty & Jayden Faul | Co-Directors
Producers Note.
At DoMaur, we look for work that challenges the audience and players alike, to look beyond their own lives, and experience the journey of another human. bare a pop opera takes the audience back to a time of their teenage years, to a time when relationships were awkward and everyone felt judged – by church, family, peers and themselves. We ask you to look beyond the obvious and find yourself amongst the characters. This is a story of growing and belonging, a story of knowing and understanding. For DoMaur, the development of new players and new production team members, and the telling of unique stories is more important than ticket sales. bare gives a voice to the lives, loves and loss of youth and we are proud to present its Tasmanian premiere. Enjoy the show!
– Maureen Doherty | DoMaur President